Thilde van Norel
Thilde van Norel

The Instruments

The Violin

The Viola

The Cello

Embedded in a strong tradition and constantly developing

Quality of sound and playability are always my priority and are not compromised. Several years of musical experience with both violin and cello helped me to develop my senses. With a combination of intuition and rational analysis it is my aim to create a unique instrument with a strong and beautiful voice.

Venetian influences

The Venetian violin makers from the 17th and 18th century often worked alone. We see among them an incredible diversity in style and freedom of design. The Venetian makers were immigrants, from Tyrol and other parts of Italy. Montagnana and Gobetti were initally shoe makers, and changed career when they moved to Venice. Venice must have been an artistically free and inspiring city. I see myself as an immigrant in Berlin, who started a new profession in a city that breathes art, during a new golden era of instrument making. No wonder that the great Venetian makers from the past inspire my work.

Brescian influences

The Brescian violin makers show a certain speed in their work that I admire. Their appearance is organic, alive, and therefore pleasing to the eye. The instruments show traces of toolmarks. Together with long and elegant soundholes, bold purfling, and robust but charming scrolls, it is a style of making that inspires me.